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Saturday, April 30, 2011


Karate involves the three K’s: Kihone (the basics of kick, punch, block), Kata (choreographed forms of a pretend fight sequence), and Kumite (or free sparring with headgear, hand and foot pads).

During the morning, I was tested on the first two of the three K’s.

These were a mere warm up since our classes regularly consisted of a hundred kicks, punches and blocks, and often a hundred pushups and sit-ups

After a light lunch, I began the Kumite portion of the test with my eight classmates.

First, I sparred with each individually scoring a single point against each; then four matches of two against one, where I had to score a point against one of them. This was not terribly difficult since I was allowed to throw one into the other.

Finally, I was told that for the last part of the test I would have to defeat my head sensei or instructor, a big bald friendly Midwesterner named “Murph”. As the match started, I leapt across the mat with a shout and a head-level punch that he easily deflected. For a few moments, we exchanged punches, kicks and blocks, till he threw an immense round house kick that I fortunately blocked with both arms, though the momentum knocked us both down. Sitting on the mat, he put his arm around my shoulders and said,” I’ll tell you a secret. You don’t have to beat me to pass this test. In fact, the only way you don’t pass now, is if you walk out.” The tears started running down my cheeks, mostly from the adrenaline burn off.

Later, as I tested my own students, I realized the rationale of such rigorous testing. First, what we achieve too easily, we esteem too lightly and we want every student to remember this test with pride. Secondly, the instructor does not want to be embarrassed by a talented student, so it is better that the student is a little exhausted and perhaps a little slower.

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